Welcome to our FAQ section! Here, you’ll find detailed answers to common questions about solar energy and its benefits. We cover everything from understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona to exploring solar incentives in Arizona and finding the best solar companies in Arizona. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision and maximize your investment in solar power. Read on to learn how solar energy can enhance your home’s value, reduce your carbon footprint, and provide long-term financial savings.

What sets this company apart from other solar companies?

We pride ourselves on our quality customer service and offer a unique 25-year production guarantee. After the installation process, you can monitor your system’s production. If the system ever breaks, we ensure it is fixed through a scheduled onsite repair. If the system underproduces according to the production guarantee, you will either be reimbursed for losses in production or we will add additional modules to meet the production guarantee. With our focus on providing transparent information about the cost of solar panels in Arizona, leveraging available solar incentives in Arizona, and being one of the best solar companies in Arizona, we ensure you get the most reliable and cost-effective solar solutions.

Can I get a tax credit?

Yes! As of 2022, homeowners who install solar can benefit from Federal Tax Credits equivalent to 26% of the cost of the system. This tax credit can be used to deduct from the tax owed at the end of the year, up to 26% of the price you paid for the system. Customers who owe less than 26% of the system’s worth in taxes will only receive what they owe. Unused tax credits will be carried over to the following tax year. Additionally, understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona and exploring solar incentives in Arizona can further maximize your savings. Choosing one of the best solar companies in Arizona ensures you receive top-tier service and support throughout your solar journey.

Does solar only work when the sun is shining?

Contrary to popular belief, solar panels can utilize both direct and indirect sunlight to generate electricity. Solar panels work at their maximum efficiency during direct sunlight but will still produce electricity when the sun is partially blocked by clouds or when light is being reflected. Rain actually benefits the panels by effectively cleaning accumulated dust. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, taking advantage of solar incentives in Arizona, and choosing one of the best solar companies in Arizona can help you maximize the efficiency and benefits of your solar energy system.

Should I wait for solar tech to improve?

While solar technology is always improving and its panels keep getting cheaper, the opportunity cost of waiting definitely outweighs the benefits. Here’s why:

Electricity prices have increased by an average of 20% over the past ten years, and depending on where you live, it can be even more. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona and taking advantage of the best solar companies in Arizona means your panels will likely meet 100% of your electricity needs, so you don’t have to worry about electricity bills rising and cutting into your savings.

You will lose out on federal financial incentives that are being offered as solar becomes increasingly popular. Solar incentives in Arizona currently include state tax credits worth $1,000 on top of the federal tax credits equivalent to 26% of the cost of the system. In 2023, this federal rate will lower from 26% to 22%. There is no tax credit incentive currently scheduled for 2024 onwards! By acting now, you can maximize your savings and ensure you get the most out of these financial benefits.

How do solar panels work?

Each solar panel contains interconnected photovoltaic cells. Whenever the sun shines onto the panels, energy is absorbed by the cells. This process generates electric charges that move through the panel’s electric fields, creating an electrical current that can be further adapted for consumer use. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, leveraging solar incentives in Arizona, and partnering with the best solar companies in Arizona ensures you maximize the efficiency and benefits of your solar energy system.

Aren’t solar panels expensive? Will solar panels be worth it?

Solar panels are definitely not cheap to install, but they are absolutely worth their cost. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, leveraging available solar incentives in Arizona, and working with the best solar companies in Arizona can make the investment more accessible. We don’t ask our clients to pay anything out of pocket. Since people are already paying for their electricity bills, all they need to do is switch the company they are paying for their power usage and enjoy fixed solar bills protected from inflation and other rate increases. Most people can break even on their solar system in about seven to eight years. Having solar panels will minimize your utility bills and are covered by a 25-year production warranty. It’s safe to say it’s risk-free!

How long do solar panels last?

Our solar panels are warrantied to last 25 years, but will very likely outlast that warranty. There are 40-year-old solar systems that are still able to produce 75-80% of the power they were designed to produce. Systems can typically be expected to lose anywhere from 0.5%-1% of power output every year, which means most solar systems will usually outlive their warranty. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, leveraging solar incentives in Arizona, and choosing one of the best solar companies in Arizona can help you maximize the lifespan and efficiency of your solar investment.

Will I need batteries for my solar panel system?

No, your solar panel system does not require batteries to be fully operational. However, in special cases, you can purchase a battery to store excess solar power that is generated for future use. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, taking advantage of solar incentives in Arizona, and partnering with the best solar companies in Arizona can help you determine if adding a battery is a beneficial option for your specific energy needs.

How will going solar affect my home and its market value?

Solar panels will not damage your roof during or after the installation process. We can install solar panels on most roof types, and you will benefit from a 10-year penetration warranty. However, because dismounting the panels post-installation can be expensive, we ensure that your roof is in good condition before installation. Roofs needing repairs must be fixed prior to installation. Having solar can potentially increase the value of your home, as new buyers may be attracted by the benefits of a solar system without undergoing the installation process. This can help market your home better and sell it at a higher price. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, utilizing solar incentives in Arizona, and choosing one of the best solar companies in Arizona can further enhance the value and appeal of your solar investment.

Do I still get a utility bill after I go solar?

Yes, but you will likely pay significantly less on your utility bill. In some cases where customers generate more power than they consume, they will receive bill credits that can be used in succeeding months. Most utility companies will issue a check to the customer for any unused bill credits that remain at the end of the year. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, taking advantage of solar incentives in Arizona, and choosing one of the best solar companies in Arizona can maximize these benefits and savings.

Do solar panels work in a blackout?

In most cases, no. Solar systems are usually connected to the electric grid, and blackouts would cause the grid to be disabled, along with the solar systems. Each system has a special safety feature that cuts off electricity during a blackout to protect maintenance workers while they restore power to the area. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, leveraging solar incentives in Arizona, and partnering with the best solar companies in Arizona can help you optimize your solar system setup and maximize its reliability and efficiency.

What kind of maintenance do solar panels need?
Solar panels rarely require any maintenance. Dust, snow, and debris usually fall off naturally, but you can always have the panels professionally cleaned once a year if you’d like. A bigger concern might be keeping animals away from the panels, which can be prevented by using the critter guard we offer. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, leveraging solar incentives in Arizona, and partnering with the best solar companies in Arizona can ensure your solar system remains efficient and well-protected with minimal maintenance.
How do I maximize my savings on my solar power?

Solar power makes savings simple! You can maximize your savings by using less power than the panels are producing, especially during peak rate hours (if applicable). Consider converting your heat pumps and heaters to ones that use electricity, and request additional panels if you have enough requisite roof space. Understanding the cost of solar panels in Arizona, leveraging solar incentives in Arizona, and working with the best solar companies in Arizona can further enhance your savings and efficiency.

We hope this FAQ section has answered your questions about solar energy. If you need more information or personalized advice, contact us today.

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